Cream of Pumpkin Soup




Cream of pumpkin soup is one of my favorite soups. I know I say the same thing about almost every soup I try and I’m also aware of the fact that I might have a problem. I wouldn’t call it a problem, though. I would rather call it an affinity for everything that’s nutritious, delicious and hydrating.
Pumpkin-wise, this year has been extremely productive and rewarding. I harvested some huge pumpkins from my own veggie garden. And when I say huge, I mean huge-huge, that’s-the-biggest-vegetable-I’ve-ever-seen kind of huge. If last year I had two semi-decent looking pumpkins (who am I kidding, they were a cross between a melon and a tennis ball, to be more accurate), this year I had about a dozen giant ones. And they were so incredibly tasty! Sometimes I looked at them and I felt it would be a shame to cook them, and then I remembered their perfect flavor and their addictive sweetness. And that was the nudge I needed to get things going! Continue reading Cream of Pumpkin Soup

Creamy Celeriac and Apple Soup

Soup creamToppingsDSC_0002-2Cream soup

Celeriac and apple salad is hands down my favorite salad. It’s something about these two flavors together… So I decided to transform my favorite salad into a creamy soup. This soup is incredibly easy to make, it is sweet and tangy, dense and very nutritious. You simply boil some veggies (and fruits) in broth, you pour the mixture in the food processor and you have a divine bowl of soup. While my soup was cooking I got bored and I made some sage and celeriac chips which worked excellent as toppings. Continue reading Creamy Celeriac and Apple Soup